About Us
What is Horspath Stone Pit Charity?
Horspath Stone Pit Charity is a charitable trust administered by Horspath Parish Council which is the Trustee. Decisions about grants are made by the Council with assistance from up to 5 Independent Advisors, for the benefit of residents.
Who can apply for funds?
Horspath Stone Pit Charity is a charitable trust administered by Horspath Parish Council which is the Trustee. Decisions about grants are made by the Council with assistance from up to 5 Independent Advisors, for the benefit of residents.
How do individuals apply?
All applications must be made using the Application Form. Simply go to the application section of this website and complete a form on-line. A small supply of forms will also be made available at Horspath Hub. All on-line applications from within the village will be acknowledged. If you complete a form by hand, it should be sent to the Parish Clerk.
How are successful application’s chosen?
The rental income each quarter will be made available on a first come-first served basis to all applications complying with the funding criteria, that is for education & training (excluding general tuition fees), charitable, artistic, cultural, sporting excellence, and environmental activities, exceptional oppportunity purposes (excluding general membership and subscription fees) and for care in the community for the elderly and disabled.
In the event of over-subscription in any quarter, all grants will be scaled back accordingly. This will not affect anybody’s right to make additional applications up to the maximum amount of funding available in any calendar year including topping up any shortfall.
Priority will be given to grants which will be of benefit to the whole community in Horspath.
Can children apply?
Applications from children of school age are actively encouraged but the application will need to contain the details of the main householder, as recorded on the electoral register. The details of the school attended are also required on the application form and these may be checked for authenticity.